
As the writer and producer of "The House on Balboa Street," I believe in the power of transparency, especially when it comes to the financial aspects of filmmaking. A film's budget is its backbone, dictating everything from the quality of production to the fine details that breathe life into a story. It's essential for me to share with you, my supporters and audience, the 'why' and 'how' of the funds that’s need.

The fundraising goal of $1,900,000 isn't just a number; it's a roadmap to bringing my vision to life. This budget covers crucial aspects such as location fees, equipment rentals, crew salaries, post-production costs, and other expenses that are key to crafting a film of high artistic and technical quality. By being open about these costs, I want to ensure that you understand the importance of each dollar contributed.

In this spirit of honesty and gratitude, I've made a personal decision not to take any payment for my role in the project. For me, the real payment lies in the support and enthusiasm of an audience willing to embark on this journey with us. Knowing that you believe in "The House on Balboa Street" enough to invest in it fills me with more joy and satisfaction than any paycheck could.

As an independent filmmaker, this connection with the audience is my most cherished reward. Your contributions are not just funding a movie; they're fueling a dream and strengthening the bond between the film and its viewers. Every penny you donate is an affirmation of faith in independent cinema and a testament to the power of community in bringing unique, diverse stories to the screen.

In sharing the budget and financial choices openly, I hope to build a relationship with you based on trust and mutual passion for storytelling. This is more than just a financial transaction; it's a partnership in creativity and a shared leap into the world of independent film. Your support is not just appreciated; it's celebrated as the heartbeat of "The House on Balboa Street."

For a deeper dive on the budget, visit the link below:

Updated 01.19.24