A Deep Dive Into The History

In the tapestry of stories that shape "The House on Balboa Street," there lies a deeply personal thread – my own. For the first 13 years of my life, I lived in a house where the ordinary was often shadowed by the unexplained. This childhood home was not just a house. It was a realm where the supernatural seemed to quietly reside. My siblings and I each had our distinct, eerie experiences, encounters that we kept to ourselves, thinking perhaps they were just figments of our youthful imaginations.

Years later, as an adult, a casual conversation unearthed these long-buried encounters. When I first mentioned seeing ghosts in that old house, it opened a floodgate of shared stories among my siblings. Each recollection, each spectral experience they revealed, resonated with my own. It was this moment of unexpected revelation that planted the seed for "The House on Balboa Street."

I wanted to make a movie based on our experiences as well as taking the aged old story of a “haunted house” and put my own spin on it and thus “The House on Balboa Street” was born. I remember most of the neighborhood that I grew up on and wanted to keep the story true to my siblings and I, all the while creating a creative medium for the audience to enjoy.

Drawing from these childhood experiences, "The House on Balboa Street" was conceived not merely as a tale of horror and mystery, but as an exploration of the deeper, often unspoken realities that exist within what we call home. This film is a reflection of those formative years, a narrative woven from the very fabric of personal encounters with the otherworldly.

This journey into filmmaking is a homecoming of sorts, a return to the roots of my earliest encounters with the inexplicable. It's a project that seeks to capture the essence of those eerie, quiet moments when one feels the presence of something unseen, the subtle chill of the unknown brushing against the mundane. "The House on Balboa Street" is more than just a movie; it's a portal to a past that has lingered in the shadows of memory, waiting to be brought into the light.

As the writer and producer of this film, I invite audiences to step into a world that balances on the edge of reality and the supernatural. It's a story that intertwines the experiences of my youth with a narrative that I hope will resonate with anyone who's ever felt the peculiar chill of a presence unseen or the quiet whisper of a house with its own tales to tell. Thank you,
